Policy Guide
Speeches And Testimony
Legislative Initiatives



Public Advocate Gotbaum and her staff march with City Comptroller Thompson in the 35th annual Pride Parade.

Since taking office in 2002, Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum has focused her attention and resources on solving problems affecting families in all five boroughs.

In fulfilling her City Charter mandate, the Public Advocate investigates mismanagement within City agencies, identifying problems with education, health and human services, housing, development, senior services, transit, and more. On the basis of her investigations, she makes recommendations for improving the way City agencies serve New Yorkers, and proposes legislation to promote policy change.

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The Public Advocate also shapes public policy through her other roles:

New York City Employees' Retirement System (NYCERS ): Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum serves as a trustee for the largest retirement system in New York City , overseeing investments valued at approximately $34 billion.

City Planning Commission: Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum appoints one of the 12 commissioners on this panel, which makes decisions about all land use and development matters that require action from the City government.

Citywide Council on Special Education: Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum appoints the only two experts in educating, training, and employing individuals with disabilities to this panel charged with advising and commenting on educational and instructional policy involving special education services.

More about these roles>




The Public Advocate's Office • 1 Centre Street, 15th Floor • New York, NY 10007 • General Inquiries: (212) 669-7200
Ombudsman Services: (212) 669-7250 • Fax: (212) 669-4091